Parts of Shell&Tube Heat Exchanger
Following are the parts of the heat exchanger:
- Tubes
- Tube sheet
- Tie rods
- Front headers
- Rear headers
- Cooling system
- Heat exchanger shell
- Heat exchanger baffle

#1 Tubes
Tubes are the most essential part of the heat exchanger for transferring fluids. The type of tubing used is welded or seamless. Heat exchanger tubes are made in diameters of about 5/8 inch, between 3/4 inch and 1 inch.
#2 Tube Sheet
Tube sheets are helpful in supporting and separating the tubes. The tubes are attached to the tube sheet by hydraulic pressure or roller expansion. A tube sheet may be covered, which assists as a corrosion preventive and insulator.
#3 Tie Rods
Tie rods are also important in the heat exchanger. They are securely fitted to the end baffle at one end and to the tube sheet at the other end.
#4 Front Headers
Many heat exchanger front headers are available, including types A-B-C-D-N-Y. Since there are so many types, the use of the front header may vary according to the arrangement of flow pressure used, cost, ease of cleaning, and repair.
#5 Rear headers
The heat exchanger rear header includes L, M, and N-types are used if there is no high mechanical stress due to differential expansion and the shell side does not require cleaning. When there is a possibility of thermal expansion, a fixed rear header with bellows is used.
#6 Cooling System
The cooling system in the heat exchanger consists of fin fans, condensers, and chillers. Fin fans are performed to meet the need for blowing hot tubes to keep them cool efficiently.
The function of the condenser is to cool the objects until there is a phase change from gas to liquid. Chillers use water as their coolant and keep the water temperature low to cool the equipment without cooling the water.
#7 Heat Exchanger Shell
In the shell and tube type, one fluid flows inside the tubes, and another fluid flows inside the shell. These are nothing but large pressure vessels inside located bundles of pipes. It is the most expensive component among heat exchanger parts.
#8 Heat Exchanger Baffle
Baffles are placed inside the shell to supply higher heat transfer rates, increasing flow turbulence. Plus, these heat exchanger parts help to support the tubes and reduce problems caused by vibration.